Monday, March 29, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

these are all high definition photos, so if you click on them they should fill up your screen (unless you got a tiny screen like stan!)

view of bandon by-the-sea from the north bank

langlois mountain is the tallest peak

here's a view of downtown. you can see edison st and fillmore st

famous beach

you can barely see cape blanco in the distance approx 25 miles. this beach has been in many commercials, etc

Sunday, March 14, 2010

moving pictures of the ocean

it was a very windy day. the wind blew the camera lens cap in front of the picture at one point. you can hear the foghorn in the back ground.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

the beach II

here's a photo of elephant rock

here's a close up - see the elephant?

coquille river jetty, tide's out

coquille river jetty

coquille river jetty, tide's in, stormy weather

more ocean photos

where's the beach?

close up face rock. (profile of right cheek, back of the head in the water, looking skyward)


bluebells? getting ready to bloom
daffodils kind of beat up after the storm

azalea blooming way too soon

amaryllis, carnations

here is an amaryllis that i've had for about 7 years. it is so big the bulb almost won't fit into a 6" pot. i have two more which both have buds on them. this one is kind of strange because it has three blossoms. they usually have two or four.

carnations sent by my dentist after my periodontal surgery.

flowering plum? neighbor's tree

second amaryllis bloomed